Gray Little Hall Integrated Science Building
Room B143
London is a Bruker AVIIIHD 400 MHz NMR with a broadband X-channel detect gradient probe capable of running 1H and 13C and auto-tuning to 19F and 31P.
London is equipped with a 24 position NMRCase sample changer and is managed principally for self-service rapid turnaround of routine samples.
All new users working on main campus will be trained on this instrument first.

Siena is an Avance AVIII 500 MHz spectrometer equipped with a multi-nuclear BBFO cryoprobe and a 60-position Case sample changer.
This instrument is operated as a staff-managed queue system. Users submit their samples to be run by an NMR staff member. Upon completion of their experiments, PDF plot files are emailed directly to the requestor.
It is highly recommended all 13C and 2D experiments be run on Siena because of the cryoprobe's enhanced signal to noise sensitivity.
Room B147
X-Band EPR Spectrometer